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(2:30 p.m. EST)SECRETARY POWELL: Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to the State Department. But you have already been welcomed. You already participated in a press briefing and you've been spoken to by members of the media and others, but it is my pleasure to formally welcome you, as the Secretary of State. We believe strongly in the free press. Now that's what you hear everywhere. But I, for one, really do believe in it. As Secretary of State, I have the opportunity to travel around the world to many places and to observe many political systems and I have been to countries which are ruled by tyrants, and I have been in countries which are the most active democracies you have ever seen. And from years of experience in many different capacities, National Security Advisor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or now, Secretary of State, or just as a citizen traveling around, I come away, once again, with a clear understanding of how a democracy has to function. Whatever the nature of its political system, whether it's a democracy such as ours, with a legislative branch, a Executive Branch and a Supreme Court that watches both of them and interprets the Constitution, and the only one who can interpret the Constitution, and our system is so strong that the American people understand and the Executive and Legislative branches understand that they must never challenge the Supreme Court when the Supreme Court says something. When we had the great civil rights movements of the '60s, the Supreme Court said a high school in Arkansas would be integrated and the state of Arkansas said, no, the governor said no. And because the Supreme Court had said yes, federal troops were used to integrate that school. That's the nature of our system. So I'm a great believer in that system and I've seen other democratic systems which work. But the one thing that seems to be absolutely necessary for a real democratic system to work is the Fourth Estate, as they call it. Executive, Legislative, Court and the Fourth Estate. And the Fourth Estate really isn't identified particularly in the Constitution except in the First Amendment: speech or the right of the people to peacefully assemble will not abridged, will not be restricted in any way. People are supposed to be able to come out and shout and scream at their government. Hopefully, they won't do it too often and hopefully they won't do it to me too often, but they do. And it's sometimes quite annoying. It sometimes makes my life miserable. Very often, it's dead-on and then I'm embarrassed. Very often, it's totally wrong and then I'm just mad. But the best thing about being mad is you get over it and you get mad and you read a paper and you throw it across the room, you get your remote, you start