Windows 2003 R2 Sysprep
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The System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) utility is locatedon the Windows product CDin the /Support/Tools/ file. Extract thisCAB file to get sysprep.exe, setupcl.exe, setupmgr.exe, deploy.chm, ref.chm,and other programs and help files.
Microsoft System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) is a great tool to use when creating a Virtual Machine environment. You can install a single VM with Windows Server 2003, configure the server the way you wish, then sysprep the server and same the VM file for further server deployments.
This directory contains several useful tools, and you should definitely read the deploy.chm file for instructions and details on the process. There are two files that are of particular importance to the process: sysprep.exe and setupmgr.exe.
This program allows you to generate the sysprep.inf file by presenting you the options and letting you enter the default answer. In order to fully automate an installation, follow these steps on the Setup Manager:
Once you complete the execution of the Setup Manager, it creates a new directory in the root of the system drive called sysprep. This directory contains all the information necessary for the Sysprep tool to execute.
When you deploy a duplicated or imaged Windows installation, it is required that the System Preparation (Sysprep) tool is used before the capture of the image. Sysprep prepares an installation of Microsoft Windows for duplication, auditing, and customer delivery. For Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003, Sysprep is included with the latest service pack For later versions of Windows, Sysprep is included with the operating system, and Sysprep is located in the folder: %windir%\system32\sysprep.
If you clone a Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 image or virtual machine without running sysprep.exe /generalize, P2V and keep the physical computer up and running or create a backup of a computer but keep the original computer running you may experience issues in which push notifications do not work. For example, you may experience the following issues:
In order to have vm template for Win 2008 R2, I created a standard config. VM and then converted it to template. Now when deploying a new machine from it, I am using a customization answer file which I also created myself. I am able to get a new VM, but I am still not clear if running a sysprep setup is needed in this case OR not, like it was the case of Win 2003 , sysprep files were required to be added to be added to vCenter server to change SID's.
Please assist, there is much discussion available when I searched but I didn't find something convincing, Some people mentioning after creating required standard VM and before converting to template manually RUN sysprep and select 'shutdown' choice, some saying in Win 2008 R2, this step is not needed and if you are using customization wizard, the resulting machine will have its SID change.
it says customization choices will be grayed out if sysprep files not found on vCenter server, but this is not the case with me, because I am using third choice 'customize using and existing customization specification', this link in the end also tells as 'Note: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista and Windows 7 use a new method for imaging which does not require sysprep files on the vCenter server.'
For Windows Server 2008 and above the sysprep are already present in default installation (default folder: %windir%\system32\sysprep), then the note about "does not require sysprep files on the vCenter server" tells you that you don't need copy sysprep files to vCenter Server, but run the sysprep on Windows clones still are a recommendation from Microsoft.
As Richardson described, there is no need for Sysprep files on the vCenter Server. Windows 2003 servers did require Sysprep tools on the vCenter Server itself as the sysprep files were not included during OS installation. They were available on the Windows 2003 installation media. Fro