[S2E4] Pride
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John-Boy and Ben devise a plan to gather some information about the Claybourne's. Ben knocks on their door to offer a magazine subscription but in reality he is looking for signs that may reveal the truth about the situation. He notices that their shoes are all worn out. John-Boy then begins to look into the Claybournes and begins to figure that all is not as it seems. He confronts Stuart Lee and suggests that maybe their pride and appearance of wealth is beginning to hurt other people and an innocent man has been accused because of their lack of honesty. Meanwhile Mrs. Claybourne has arrived at the Walton's to demand her silverware back. Stuart Lee arrives to finally admit the truth that his family has no money and that he has been selling off their valuables to keep up the appearance to his mother that they are still well-to-do. He apologizes to John for getting caught up in their lies. John finally tells Olivia that he hocked his wedding ring to pay for the truck tires and that hopefully they'll be able to earn enough with the truck still on the road to buy back his ring. 59ce067264