Mystic Mountain Brush Pack [NEW]
Mystic Mountain Brush Pack >
When I did it, I had to delete the brush from the previous version (the painter essentials version) and import it into the 2019 version (the pixlr brush and brushes pack version). Then all of the brushes in the 2019 version appeared in the brush library and I was able to use the brush.
If you already have Painter Essentials 2019, you will be able to import the brush from the brush and brushes pack version using the same steps I just described. However, if you have Painter Essentials 2018, or any version prior to 2019, you will need to contact Corel technical support, since that's the version they provide the brush package to.
There were several different ways that I tried to import the brush into Painter 2019 (at different times) from the different versions of Painter (I was struggling with what to do with the.pkg file), and finally it worked once I tried to import the.pkg file into Painter 2018, and then import it into the 2019 version using the above method. Essentially, it was the same process I just described, but I had to change the 2018 and 2019 versions of Painter in order to do it. It wasn't immediately obvious to me at the time how to do it, but once I tried it, it worked. Sorry about the long winded instructions, but I hope this is helpful to someone else.
The good news is, if you have Painter2018, you already have the solution to the Bob Ross brush pack dilemma. The bad news is, you need Painter2018, which you may not want to upgrade at this time, but if you're a Bob Ross fan, you really do need to update to the new version.
3. The workaround is to perform a complete remove of the /Library/Documentation/Resources/tcl-examples.bundle, rebuild it and then reinstall it. If I do a complete remove of the tcl-examples.bundle, it does not remove the folders it puts into that folder. After rebuilding it, I can then install it a new copy each time.
4. The tcl-examples.bundle that gets installed into the /Library/Documentation/Resources/ folder is the version of the documentation that the latter installer was built from. It is not the version that appears in the version-info.plist of the documentation.
6. When I ran the application for the first time after installing the beta (and without wiping out the./Library/Documentation/Resources/EAGLE folder), there was an error message complaining that that folder did not exist - but the application successfully ran afterwards.
*If you enroll in this course after the course is offered, it is at the discretion of the pastor whether you are allowed to attend. It is the couple's responsibility to attend a FOCCUS session and be ready to go at the scheduled time. FOCCUS sessions are not a drive-thru marriage preparation. If the couple cancels, they are responsible for all tuition paid. 827ec27edc