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A '50s R&B singer who worked the Motown scene for solos on several of The Miracles' tracks (including lead for "Why Do Fools Fall In Love"). He was teary-eyed during the '70s' performance on NBC's "American Bandstand." Leaves a wife in Detroit and New York and three kids. He and Brenda McGraw have been married for over 20 years, but live apart.
I gave the afternoon live, just some of my favorites, just 3 or 4 songs. It was a nice misty day at Atlantic, in NY in the Springtime. We were on the John's stage, where Berry comes live. They wheeled in this time machine with'slides and drums' and a picture of Berry onstage for 'Do the Thing' and 'I can only tell you honey' which is always the line or Berry's response to the audience and me. Berry said that he started on the guitar and was at the Cotton Club but that he was at a nightclub in Baton Rouge and he saw us and he said, 'Do the thing' and we all went, 'Do the thing!' and we were rehearsed for the whole thing and the guys were backstage and we were terrified and took the mike and just went right on. Once we started, you couldn't stop us because we wanted to do it so badly (laughs). Our first time, it was great.he did tell us 'Don't ever come back with no applause, because if you do, you're going to be fired.' And he was right. Brian and Ronnie were ecstatic. But not me obviously (laughs)."
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