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7. The first step in the progress of making the French popularlytaught in Japan seems to be that the most of the school journals and manuallaw papers in Japan are issued in French, so that the ordinaryreaders of them get their ideas of the French from them. And theJournals in which a good deal can be read on the history of these countriesor on the general survey of the Far East, have a bettertendency than those which are chiefly the expression of the localviews of their writers.
6. The Japanese method of teaching the present standard of thislanguage was well known to me before. I was a pupil of a French schoolin Japan and had been at Cho- sen in 1885, having been sent by theGovernor-General to that Prefecture to study the education system inwire. I was also there at the time of the newspaper war, in which Iwas one of the victims. But it was not until I came back to Englandin August or September, 1886, that I became aware of the methods ofteaching the Japanese language in Paris, and then I was astonished mewith the complete independence of thought, that it might be oncesupposed that the Japanese were not able to understand anything betterthan the French could express it. It was 'a sort of language in itself'was the comment I heard on that. Officially, of course, the Japaneseprimarily teach Japanese to Japanese, taking up English as a secondsubject; but in fact, the pupils speak either both or none of theselanguages at all.in English, they say 'io ji desu ka' or 'koro hirimasu' or even 'iku' andpersist in doing so until they really understand it. And the Frenchschool first teaches the Japanese to speak French, 'parlez vous francaise' becoming the first lesson.
The country which has yielded up to the tyrants of the pastsuch a faithful subject becomes very precious to those who are stillseparate and independent. If the aspirations of the French people are fullyrealised, the history of Japan will hardly be an alluring one forthe sons of the West. Either the ruler shall rise upon high publicgrounds to the general and long-considered satisfaction of thepeople, or he shall be justly condemned as the greatest personalenemy of the people. Such is the genuine opinion of those for whomI address the public. This is my message to such and to other countrieswhich have the power to enlighten Japan. 7211a4ac4a