Lords Of The Realm 3 No-cd Crack Download
Lords of the Realm 2 v1.03 (c) Sierra On-Line ****://www.sierra.comRiPWiN95 cracked by shadowRUNNER e-mail:shadow.RUNNER@bigfoot.com[2.07.1998] i n s t a l l a t i o n choose max installation and install the game------------------------------------------- copy missing files from FILESPL8 directory on the CD to SIERRALORDS2PL8 directory on your HDD------------------------------------------- install patch : lotr2103.exe------------------------------------------- copy crack.exe file to your game directory------------------------------------------- run the crack lords2.exe 926720 Bytes------------------------------------------- run the game this crack removes : CD-check movies- - - - - - - ----- - ---- - downloaded from ****://www.crackstore.com - ---- -
lords of the realm 3 no-cd crack download