PATCHED Dsc Module Labview 8.6 Download Free
PATCHED Dsc Module Labview 8.6 Download >>>
The module dimensions of the SCM9B Series can be found on a drawing in www.dataforth,com. In the upper left of the home page under Explore our product offerings, point and click on Signal Conditioning, point and click on 9B Analog to Serial Isolated Modules. In the center column of the next page under SCM9B Series Product Family, click on the Adobe Acrobat symbol to the right of Dimensions. This displays a .pdf drawing of SCM9B module dimensions. The drawing maybe downloaded and saved. A .pdf of the drawing is also in the Media Attachments box to the right of this topic's main body.Keywords/Phrases: SCM9B, SCM9B mounting holes, SCM9B mechanical drawing, SCM9B dimensions drawing 9B dimensions drawing 2b1af7f3a8